Science: Life Cycle of a butterfly Class 4-5
STEM Activity No. 1
Class 4-5
STEM Objective: To create awareness among the students about the different stages of life of a butterfly and other insects.
Tools: A Butterfly (Dead or Alive), A caterpillar alive, or a toy sample of a caterpillar, Projector, chart paper, simple microscope, This lecture may be better delivered near a tree or in a garden or park for better understanding.
Introduction: Gather the children and make groups. Put down the items on the table that you have to explain. The table should be easily seen by every student. Tell the students about the different stages of the life of a butterfly. Show them in detail a butterfly with a simple microscope.
No arrange the students for educational video.
- First of all, an adult butterfly lays eggs on some nearby plant.
- These eggs hatch after some days and larvae are born which are specifically called caterpillars.
- These caterpillars are unable to get food in the first moment, so they eat their own egg shells which is composed of potassium, iron, calcium and other useful minerals.
- After the shell is finished, the caterpillar then starts to eat the green leaves around it and it does nothing except feeding.
- a caterpillar sheds its skin many times to grow accordingly.
- once the caterpillar is big enough its stops feeding and it covers its body with a protective layer.
- At this time its called Pupa and this stage is called chrysalis.
- The pupa remains totally motionless in this stage.
- During the stage of chrysalis, the pupa undergoes through many stages.
- After 2 weeks or 15 days, the protective layer is peeled and a beautiful adult butterfly is born through the same pupa.
- The butterfly's wings remain wet and small as it emerges from the pupa.
- The butterfly then pumps energy into its wings to let them expand and the wings become dry within some hours.
- Now the butterfly is strong and ready to fly.
- These series or stages of the life cycle of a butterfly is called metamorphosis.
Wrap Up:
- Ask the children about the main concepts learned in this activity.
- Make sure they all understand the STEM activity.
- Ask each group to draw and color different stages on a chart paper. (1 stage each group)
Nice effort.